GP winners by Kasanova, Bamako, Elvis, Nabab and V...


GP winners by Kasanova, Bamako, Elvis, Nabab and Vigo

What a weekend. No fewer than five international Grand Prix were won by offspring of our stallions.

The GP4* in Vejer de la Frontera resulted in a win for Maverick Van Lent riding Forever du Givre (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles). In Thermal, Keri Potter and Kalimera van de Nethe Z (s. Kasanova de la Pomme) won the GP3*. This duo also came second in a 1.50m class. In turn, Jérôme Guery won the GP3* and a 1.45m class at Oliva on Great Britain V (s. Nabab de Rêve).

Sloane Coles won the GP2* of Ocala on Ninja JW van de Moerhoeve (s. Elvis Ter Putte). In Ghent, Wilm Vermeir achieved the same riding Belle Amie vd Dassenheide Z (s. Bamako de Muze), after they also won a 1.45m class. Maurice Van Roosbroeck and Emir du Coeur des Collines Z (s. Elvis Ter Putte) finished fifth.


The CSI5* in Doha yielded fifth place for Julien Anquetin riding Fulldollar de Raygade (s. El Torreo de Muze) over 1.55m. Pieter Devos took fourth place in a 1.50m class with Primo DV (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles).

Vejer de la Frontera

Nohlan Vallat won a 1.45m and a 1.40m class in Vejer de la Frontera riding Eole Cyclamen (s. Malito de Rêve). A win at 1.40m level went to Camilla Bosio on Hervesther (s. Elvis Ter Putte), just ahead of Nalou of Greenhill Z (s. Nabab de Rêve) under Andrea Calabro. Alexis Goulet and Qadir van ‘t Veer (s. El Torreo de Muze) were fourth over 1.40m.

St. Tropez

In the GP3* of St. Tropez, Nicolas Delmotte took second place on Girl Queen du Forezan (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles). Lisa Nooren rode Querido van ‘t Ruytershof (s. Mosito van het Hellehof) to place seven, just ahead of Roger-Yves Bost riding Prins van ’t Eigenlo (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles). There were further places of honour for Philippe Rozier with Night Light van ‘t Ruytershof (s. Gemini xx) and Gregory Cottard with Poppemieke JW van de Moerhoeve (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles) over 1.45m.


Further in Oliva, Gudrun Patteet rushed to two fourth places in 1.45m classes riding Sea Coast Guinness (s. Nabab de Rêve). On Monalisa van ‘t Paradijs (s. Bamako de Muze), Patteet came second twice in the 1.40m class. Louis Lambrecht and Hopes Are High 111 (s. Scendro) finished third in a 1.40m class. In the GP1* there was a third place for Olivier Philippaerts and Qualithina van ‘t Ruytershof (s. Mosito van het Hellehof).


Victor Bettendorf was the best in a 1.40m class on Doha de Riverland (s. Nabab de Rêve). Looks Good de Liebri (s. Lector vd Bisschop) and Kevin Jochems impressed with two places of honour in Valencia, also at 1.40m level. Romy Orfait and Capsule d'Argent (s. Elvis Ter Putte) also grabbed a place of honour.

Busto Arsizio

The GP2* in Busto Arsizio produced a seventh place for Pia van de Nieuwburghoeve (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles, Peter Bleiker) and an eighth place for Ginevra de la Cense (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles, Adelaide Lautie). Furthermore, we also noted a win and a close place of honour over 1.40m for Giacomo Casadei and Raffinesse (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles).


At the World Cup show in Gothenburg, Petronella Andersson won a 1.50m class riding Olympke van ‘t Merelsnest (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles). Benoit Cernin and Dynamite du Miral (s. Nabab de Rêve) grabbed third place in the Royan GP2*. In various 1.40m classes, Amy Millar grabbed victory in Wellington with GCS Athena (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles) and there were places of honour for Pascal Van Laethem on Kaliopée du Saint-Chêne (s. Vigo d'Arsouilles) in Kronenberg and Jaime Azcarraga on Elvanto PS (s. Elvis Ter Putte).

Finally, our young breeding product Stitch de Muze (Mosito x Oilily) won the regional championships in the Netherlands over 1.30m. Our new stallion Jericho de Hus was the best in the 6yo Masters at the stallion show in St. Lô.

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